Medical University Vienna, Department of Pediatrics
Medical University Vienna, Department of Pediatrics
Währinger Gürtel 18-20, 1090 Vienna
The Department
The Vienna Pediatric Nephrology group represents the largest care unit for children with acute and chronic kidney diseases in Austria. Our research focuses on the optimization of therapy for kidney transplantations and dialysis with emphasis on the field of translational research in renal failure and replacement. We recently detected a new pathomechanism, the “inadequate cellular stress response” in experimental in-vitro and in-vivo models of renal ischemia and peritoneal dialysis.Translational and clinical-epidemiological studies led to the establishment of an transdisciplinary working group with the aim of improvements in daily clinical care, with the leading project of a novel cytoprotective peritoneal dialysis fluid.
The Team
Klaus Arbeiter MD
Involved in 4C, PodoNet, ARegPKD and the Peritoneal Biopsy Database

Dagmar Csaicich, MD
Involved in PodoNet