ESCAPE Network: Consortium of European Pediatric Nephrologists
Dedicated to improve the lives of children with kidney diseases
The ESCAPE network is a consortium of European pediatric nephrologists dedicated to improve the lives of children with kidney diseases by clinical research. Our activities are focused on long-term natural history studies to identify novel prognostic biomarkers, and interventional trials to develop therapeutic concepts with long-lasting benefit for the health and well-being of our patients.
Continuously active in pediatric renal research
The ESCAPE Network has been continuously active in pediatric renal research for almost three decades and accomplished several landmark trials that profoundly changed clinical practice in children with chronic kidney disease. In the ongoing 4C Study, we are following the cardiovascular status of 700 children with advanced chronic kidney disease as they grow up and progress towards end-stage kidney disease. In the randomized PREDICT Trial we evaluate the long-term benefit of primary antibiotic prophylaxis in children with refluxive urinary tract abnormalities.
Exploring pediatric kidney diseases in observational studies and registries
Other pediatric kidney diseases are explored in observational studies and registries, such as PodoNet for children with steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome, ARegPKD for children with autosomal recessive and ADPedKD for those with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Also, we use state of the art technologies to evaluate the health impact of certain therapies, such as hemodiafiltration in the 3H Study and peritoneal dialysis in the International Pertitoneal Tissue Biobank. Finally, our Network provides a platform to help designing and conducting drug trials sponsored by pharmaceutical industry.
Impressions from an ESCAPE meeting
The Network Centers
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