Necker-Enfants Malades University Hospital
Pediatric Nephrology Unit
149 rue de Sèvres, 75743 Paris Cedex 15, France
The Department
Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital in Paris is one of the oldest and most respected pediatric hospitals in France. Throughout its history, it has been at the forefront of innovation in pediatric medicine, and has played a significant role in shaping the field of pediatric care. Today, it is one of the leading pediatric hospitals in Europe, and is renowned for its world-class care and research in a wide range of pediatric and adult specialties and is particularly dedicated to rare diseases. The hospital is also known for its pioneering work in the treatment of kidney diseases and transplantation in adults and children.
The Pediatric Nephrology unit of the Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital, directed by Prof Rémi Salomon (co-director Prof Olivia Boyer) focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases in children from birth to early adulthood.
Our unit is composed of 12 hospitalization beds, including 5 intensive care unit beds, 6 dialysis stations, immuno-adsorption stations and a day-care hospital for peritoneal dialysis and renal functional tests.
One of the major activities is kidney transplantation with more than 1300 children transplanted since the 1970s. In fact about 15 to 20 kidney transplantations are performed per year at our center. We thereafter follow up the kidney transplanted children but also ensure the nephrological follow-up after transplantation of other organs such as the heart, liver and bon marrow.
The pathologies treated are acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease of various etiologies: glomerulopathies and in particular nephrotic syndrome, IgA nephropathy and vasculitis, and hemolytic uremic syndrome, tubulopathies, hypertension, uropathies (CAKUT), abnormalities of phospho-calcium metabolism. The team is more specifically dedicated to rare pediatric kidney diseases. It is a coordinating center or constitutive center for 3 reference centers for rare diseases, MARHEA (Hereditary Renal Diseases of Children and Adults), SNI (Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome) and MAT (Thrombotic Microangiopathy) within ORKID national network for rare renal diseases and the European rare disease networks ERKNet and TransplantChild. We also work closely with the pediatric, pediatric surgery, obstetrics and fetal medicine departments, and with the adult nephrology team and have consultations dedicated to transition. We also have an important activity in genetic counseling and molecular pre- and postnatal testing in collaboration with the unit of genomic medicine of rare diseases (Dr Dorval, Pr Antignac, Dr Saunier). We are working in close collaboration with the patient's associations, have developed several tools to inform and provide education programs to patients and families, and to train colleagues on the rare renal diseases.
Members of the team are also involved in basic, translational and clinical research projects regarding kidney development and genetic aspects of kidney diseases in close collaboration with INSERM units of the Imagine Institute, the Necker Enfants maladies Institute (INEM) and the Paris Cité University. We also have set up several databases, either at the local or at the national level.
Links with more information (French):
The Team
Olivia Boyer M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Pediatrics
Involved in the 4C, 3H,
and ARegPKD studies
Laurène Dehoux M.D.
Senior consultant in
pediatric nephrology
Involved in the 4C and
3H studies