Lyon - Hôpital Femmes Mères Enfants

Service de Néphrologie-Rhumatologie-Dermatologie pédiatrique Hôpital Femme Mère Enfant
59 Boulevard Pinel
69677 Bron cedex

The Department

Our unit has got 3 Reference Center labels and is member of the following rare disease networks: 

  • Rare Renal Diseases Néphrogones, French ORKID network
  • Calcium and Phosphate rare diseases reference center, French OSCAR network
  • European Rare Renal Diseases center, in the European ERK-Net network

We are in charge of around 8 million inhabitants in Centre-East France. Half of dialyzed children are on in-center online hemodiafiltration (7 beds) and half on chronic at home peritoneal automated dialysis. During the past 5 years we performed more than 100 renal transplantations, thereof 7 combined liver and kidney transplantations.

The conventional hospitalization unit (18 beds) is common with pediatric rheumatology (Pr Alexandre Belot) and neurology (Pr Vincent Desportes). Our team is associated with Pr Laurence Dubourg renal physiology unit and we perform routinely iohexol clearance measures and functional renal explorations. Our lab activity is centered on calcium and phosphate metabolism and bone disease in CKD.


The Team

Bruno Ranchin, M.D.

Senior consultant in pediatric nephrology
Particularly interested in dialysis, glomerular diseases and lupus nephritis
Local PI of 4C study

Justine Bacchetta, M.D. Ph.D.

Professor of Pediatrics
Head of the unit
Particularly interested in CKD-MBD, bone impairment in orphan renal diseases, and phosphate/calcium physiology
Member of INSERM 1033 LYOS Research Unit

Pierre Cochat M.D. Ph.D.

Professor of Pediatrics
IPNA President
Particularly interested in primary hyperoxaluria, nephrolithiasis and transplantation

Aurelia Bertholet-Thomas, M.D.

Senior consultant in pediatric nephrology
Particularly interested in tubulopathies, cystinosis and nephrolithiasis

Anne Laure Sellier-Leclerc M.D.

Senior consultant in pediatric nephrology
Particularly interested in microangiopathies and renal and combined liver/kidney transplantation
Local PI of the CERTAIN study

Hospices Civils de Lyon is involved in the following projects of the ESCAPE Network: